Category Based Express Entry

What is the Category Based Draw

in category-based rounds of invitations, The Canadian Govt.  invites candidates in the Express Entry pool who are eligible for a specific category established by the Minister to meet an identified economic goal. They invite candidates to apply for permanent residence based on criteria such as:

  • ability to communicate in a specific official language
  • work experience in a specific occupation
  • education

Category-based rounds add to general and program-specific rounds by inviting top-ranking candidates who can help us meet these specific economic goals.

The Canadian Govt announces the chosen categories in advance.


Current Categories

This targeted approach focuses on six key categories, each playing a crucial role in bolstering Canada’s economic landscape:

  1. French-language proficiency: Encouraging candidates who are proficient in French, reflecting Canada’s commitment to bilingualism and the need for French-speaking professionals.
  2. Healthcare occupations: Addressing the critical demand for healthcare professionals and supporting the robustness of Canada’s healthcare system.
  3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) occupations: Fostering growth in these innovative and ever-evolving sectors.
  4. Trade occupations: Recognizing the importance of skilled trades in driving the economy.
  5. Transport occupations: Ensuring the efficiency and reliability of Canada’s transport sector.
  6. Agriculture and agri-food occupations: Supporting the agricultural sector, vital for the country’s food security and economic health.


Contact us for more details

Address details:

10 Mansfield st
L6S2Y3 Brampton